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nextflow: Run a pipeline, use cached results from previous runs.
$ nextflow run ${main-nf} -resume
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This command is used to run a Nextflow workflow with the -resume option.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • nextflow: This is the executable command for running Nextflow workflows.
  • run: This subcommand is used to specify that a workflow should be executed.
  • ${main-nf}: This is a placeholder or variable for the path or name of the main Nextflow script file. The actual value for this variable needs to be provided by the user or defined elsewhere in the script.
  • -resume: This option is used to resume the execution of a workflow from where it left off. It is particularly useful when a previous run of the workflow was interrupted or terminated prematurely.

When this command is executed, Nextflow will search for the specified main Nextflow script file indicated by ${main-nf} and run the workflow. If a previous run was interrupted, Nextflow will resume the execution from where it left off, rather than starting the workflow from the beginning.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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