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nextflow: Remove cache and intermediate files for a specific run.
$ nextflow clean -force ${run_name}
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The command nextflow clean -force ${run_name} is a command used in Nextflow, which is a dataflow programming framework for executing bioinformatics pipelines.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • nextflow: This is the command-line interface to the Nextflow framework and is used to execute Nextflow pipelines.

  • clean: The clean command is used to clean up the output of a previous Nextflow run.

  • -force: The -force option is used to force the clean operation, which means it will remove all output files and directories associated with the previous Nextflow run without prompting for confirmation.

  • ${run_name}: This is a placeholder for the name of a specific Nextflow run. You would need to replace ${run_name} with the actual name of the run you want to clean up. The run name is usually a unique identifier assigned to a Nextflow run, often generated based on the date and time of the run.

So, when you execute the nextflow clean -force ${run_name} command, Nextflow will remove all output files and directories associated with the specified run without asking for confirmation. This can be useful when you want to clean up the workspace after a run and start fresh.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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