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nft: Add a new chain to accept all inbound traffic.
$ sudo nft add chain ${inet} ${filter} ${input} \{ type ${filter} hook ${input} priority ${0} \; policy ${accept} \}
try on your machine

This command is used to add a new chain to the nftables firewall configuration. Here's a breakdown of the different components of the command:

  • sudo: This is a command used in Unix-like systems to run a command with administrative privileges.
  • nft: This is the command-line interface for managing nftables, which is a framework for packet filtering and routing in Linux.
  • add: This is a subcommand of nft that is used to add a new component to the firewall configuration.
  • chain ${inet} ${filter} ${input}: This is the name of the chain being added. The ${inet} variable represents the internet family (IPv4 or IPv6), ${filter} represents the table to which the chain belongs, and ${input} is the name of the chain itself. For example, this could be ipv4, ipv6, inet, etc., for the internet family, and filter for the table.
  • type ${filter} hook ${input} priority ${0}: This specifies the type of chain, the hook it is connected to, and its priority. The ${filter} variable is used to specify the chain type which, in this case, is the filter. ${input} is the hook where packets will enter the chain. ${0} is the priority of the chain, where 0 represents the highest priority.
  • \;: This is used to separate multiple commands executed in a single line.
  • policy ${accept}: This sets the policy of the chain, which determines what happens to packets that reach the end of the chain. ${accept} specifies that the packets should be accepted if they reach this chain.

Overall, this command creates a new chain named ${input} within the ${filter} table of the ${inet} internet family. It sets the chain type, hook, priority, and policy.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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