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ng: Build the application.
$ ng build
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The command "ng build" is used in Angular, which is a popular JavaScript framework for building web applications.

The "ng build" command is used to compile the Angular application and create a production-ready build of the application that can be deployed on a web server. It performs several tasks:

  1. It reads the configuration files from the Angular project, such as "angular.json" or "angular-cli.json", to determine the settings for building the application.
  2. It compiles the TypeScript files into JavaScript files using the TypeScript compiler.
  3. It bundles the JavaScript and other required files (such as HTML templates, CSS stylesheets, images, etc.) into a distributable format.
  4. It optimizes and minifies the code to reduce its file size and improve the application's performance.
  5. It generates a set of static files that make up the Angular application, which can be served by a web server.

The "ng build" command is often used before deploying an Angular application to a production environment, as it ensures that the application is ready to be served and performant.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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