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nginx: Start server with the default config file.
$ nginx
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Nginx is a popular web server software that is used to serve static and dynamic web content. It is known for its high performance, low memory usage, and ability to handle concurrent connections effectively.

The command "nginx" refers to the executable file of the Nginx web server software. When this command is executed, it starts or stops the Nginx server, depending on how it is called.

Here are some common uses of the "nginx" command:

  1. Starting Nginx: By running the "nginx" command, you can start the Nginx web server. This allows it to listen for incoming requests and serve them accordingly.

  2. Stopping Nginx: To stop the Nginx server, you can execute the "nginx -s stop" command. This will gracefully stop the server, allowing it to complete any ongoing processes before shutting down.

  3. Reloading Configuration: If you make changes to the Nginx configuration file (usually located at /etc/nginx/nginx.conf), you can use the "nginx -s reload" command to reload the configuration. This will apply the changes without stopping the server.

  4. Checking Configuration: At times, you may want to verify the syntax of the Nginx configuration file before applying any changes. The "nginx -t" command is used to check the configuration file's syntax and provide feedback on any errors or warnings.

Overall, the "nginx" command is used to manage and control the behavior of the Nginx web server software.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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