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ngrok: Expose a local HTTP service on a specific host.
$ ngrok http ${foo-dev}:${80}
try on your machine

This command is using ngrok, a tunneling software, to expose a local development server to the internet so that it can be accessed by others.

The command "ngrok http" is instructing ngrok to create an HTTP tunnel.

"${foo-dev}:${80}" specifies the local development server that needs to be exposed. Here, "${foo-dev}" is likely a placeholder for a variable or hostname that represents the IP address or domain of the local server. "${80}" refers to the port number on which the server is running, which is typically port 80 for HTTP traffic.

By executing this command, ngrok will create a publicly accessible URL that redirects incoming requests to the local development server specified. The exact URL will be displayed in the ngrok output, and others can use this URL to access the local development server remotely.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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