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ngrok: Expose a local HTTP service on a given port.
$ ngrok http ${80}
try on your machine

This command ngrok http ${80} is used to create a secure tunnel to a local web server running on port 80 using the ngrok utility.

Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • ngrok: It is a command-line utility that allows secure introspectable tunnels to localhost.
  • http: This specifies that we want to create an HTTP tunnel.
  • ${80}: This is a parameter that specifies the local port to which the ngrok tunnel should connect. In this case, it is using the default HTTP port 80.

When you run this command, ngrok will generate a unique URL that you can use to access your local web server from the internet. This is useful when you want to expose your local development environment to others for testing or demonstration purposes. Additionally, ngrok provides secure connections by using HTTPS for the tunnel.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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