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ngrok: Expose a local HTTPS server.
$ ngrok http https://localhost
try on your machine

The command "ngrok http https://localhost" starts a locally running web server and exposes it securely over the internet using ngrok.

  • "ngrok" is an open-source tool that creates a secure tunnel between your local machine and the ngrok server, allowing you to access your locally hosted services from anywhere on the internet.
  • "http" specifies that the traffic will be forwarded using the HTTP protocol.
  • "https://localhost" specifies the target of the tunnel, which in this case is a local web server hosted on the localhost ( IP address using the HTTPS protocol.

By running this command, ngrok will allocate a public URL that forwards incoming HTTP requests to the local web server running on your computer. This enables you to access your local web server from anywhere using the provided ngrok URL. The traffic is encrypted using HTTPS protocol, ensuring a secure connection between the ngrok server and your local machine.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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