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nix-shell: Start with expression in `default.nix` in the current directory.
$ nix-shell ${default-nix}
try on your machine

The command "nix-shell ${default-nix}" is used in the Nix package manager to create an isolated shell environment with the dependencies specified in the "default.nix" file.

Here's how the command breaks down:

  • "nix-shell" is the Nix command used to start a new shell environment.
  • "${default-nix}" is a variable placeholder that is expected to be replaced with the path to a "default.nix" file. This file contains the package definitions and dependencies for the shell environment.

When you run this command, Nix looks for the "default.nix" file and uses its content to create a new shell environment. This environment will have all the dependencies available, making it easy to work on a specific project with the required software packages and versions.

By using "nix-shell", you can enter this isolated environment and have all the necessary tools and dependencies set up automatically, avoiding conflicts with other packages and ensuring reproducibility across different machines.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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