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nix-shell: Run shell command in non-interactive shell and exit.
$ nix-shell --run "${command} ${arg1 arg2 ---}"
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The command nix-shell is used to create an isolated environment and execute a specific command within it. This command is commonly used in the Nix package manager ecosystem.

In the provided example, the nix-shell command is used with the following options:

  • --run: This option specifies that a command should be executed inside the created shell environment.

The argument to --run is "${command} ${arg1 arg2 ---}". In this argument:

  • ${command} is a placeholder for the actual command that you want to run. It could be a binary executable or a script present in the current shell environment.
  • ${arg1 arg2 ---} are additional arguments that will be passed to the command.

Important points to note:

  • ${arg1 arg2 ---} refers to multiple arguments, where each argument should be separated by a space.
  • The argument --- is used as a delimiter to separate the command from its arguments to avoid any conflicts with subsequent options or flags.
  • You need to substitute ${command} and ${arg1 arg2 ---} with the actual desired values when running the command.

Overall, the provided nix-shell command is used to create an isolated environment, then execute a command (${command}) along with its arguments (${arg1 arg2 ---}) inside that environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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