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nix3-develop: Start a development shell for the default package in a flake in the current directory.
$ nix develop
try on your machine

The command "nix develop" is used in the Nix package manager to create a development environment for a specific project.

When you run "nix develop", Nix will search for a file called "default.nix" or "shell.nix" in the current directory. This file specifies the necessary dependencies and build instructions for the project.

Once it finds the Nix expression file, Nix will create an isolated environment for the project with all the dependencies specified in the file. This environment includes the necessary executables, libraries, and other components required to build and run the project.

The "nix develop" command also activates the created environment, which means that the project's dependencies will be available on the system path for easy access. This allows you to execute commands and build the project without worrying about conflicting dependencies with your system or other projects.

Overall, "nix develop" simplifies the process of setting up a development environment by automatically managing the dependencies and providing a clean and isolated workspace for the project.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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