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nix3-edit: Open the source of the Nix expression of a package from nixpkgs in your `$EDITOR`.
$ nix edit ${nixpkgs#pkg}
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The command "nix edit ${nixpkgs#pkg}" is executed in a shell environment. It uses the nix package manager and specifically the "nix edit" subcommand.

Here is an explanation of each part of the command:

  • "nix edit": This is a subcommand of the nix package manager that opens a specified package or derivation in an editor. It allows you to modify the package's derivation file or associated files.

  • "${nixpkgs#pkg}": This is a parameter expansion, specifically a substring replacement, used to specify the package to edit. The variable "nixpkgs" likely refers to the nixpkgs repository, which is a collection of packages for the nix package manager. The "#pkg" part removes the prefix "pkg" from the value of the "nixpkgs" variable, essentially stripping the "pkg" part from the package name.

So, when executing "nix edit ${nixpkgs#pkg}", the command will open the specified package in an editor, allowing you to make changes to its derivation/configuration. The specific package that will be opened depends on the value of the "nixpkgs" variable which is set in the environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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