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nix3-flake: Show all the outputs of a flake on github.
$ nix flake show ${github:owner-repo}
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The command "nix flake show ${github:owner-repo}" is used to display information about a specified Nix flake. Let's break it down:

  • "nix": It refers to the Nix package manager, a tool for managing the installation and configuration of software packages in various Unix-like operating systems.
  • "flake": It signifies the use of Nix flakes, a new feature introduced in Nix 2.4, which provides a declarative and reproducible way to define and compose Nix packages and configurations.
  • "show": It is a Nix flake subcommand that allows you to display information about a specific flake.

"${github:owner-repo}": This is an expression that specifies the GitHub repository from which the flake is retrieved. The "owner" represents the username or organization name that owns the repository, and "repo" represents the name of the repository itself. By substituting the appropriate values for "owner" and "repo," you can fetch and display information about a specific flake stored in a GitHub repository.

In summary, the command "nix flake show ${github:owner-repo}" retrieves and shows details of a particular Nix flake stored in a GitHub repository specified by "owner" and "repo".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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