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nix3-flake: Create a new flake (just the `flake.nix` file) from the default template, in the current directory.
$ nix flake init
try on your machine

The command nix flake init is used to initialize a new Nix flake project.

Nix flakes are a way to define Nix package repositories that are reproducible and incrementally updatable. They allow you to manage and build complex Nix configurations and provide a way to ensure that your Nix environment stays consistent across different machines.

When you run nix flake init, it creates an initial Nix flake project structure in the current directory. This project structure includes a flake.nix file, which is the main entry point for the flake, and a default.nix file, which is generated with some basic settings.

The flake.nix file defines the package inputs and other configuration options for the flake. It typically contains definitions for the packages you want to include in your project and any custom configurations or overrides.

The default.nix file acts as an entry point for the flake and provides a way to evaluate and build the flake. It usually imports the flake.nix file and includes any necessary inputs or arguments.

By running nix flake init, you can quickly set up a new Nix flake project with the basic structure and files needed to start defining your packages and configurations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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