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nix3-profile: List packages currently installed in the default profile.
$ nix profile list
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The command "nix profile list" is used in the Nix package manager system, specifically to list all the available Nix profiles on your system.

In the Nix package manager, a profile is a directory that contains all the installed packages and their associated files for a particular user or environment. Profiles are used to isolate different sets of packages and their dependencies. For example, you can have separate profiles for different projects or different users on the same system.

When you run "nix profile list", it will display a list of all the available Nix profiles on your system. This can include profiles for the root user, as well as individual user profiles. Each profile is displayed with its unique identifier, which is a hash value based on the profile's contents.

The list of profiles will help you identify the available profiles on your system and choose the appropriate one for your needs. You can then use the selected profile for installing or managing packages using other Nix commands.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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