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nix3-shell: Start a shell with the "default package" from a flake in the current directory, printing build logs if any builds happen.
$ nix shell -L
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The command "nix shell -L" is used to create a new shell environment using the Nix package manager. Here's an explanation of each part:

  • "nix" refers to the name of the Nix package manager command.
  • "shell" is a command of Nix that allows you to create an isolated shell environment with specified packages.
  • "-L" is a flag or option for the "nix shell" command. This flag tells Nix to load the shell environment using a specific file, which contains a list of packages to be included in the environment.

So, when you execute "nix shell -L", Nix will read the specified file (denoted by the "-L" flag) that contains a list of packages and create a new shell environment with those packages loaded. This can be useful when you want to work in an isolated environment with specific dependencies or packages installed without affecting your system-wide packages.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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