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nix3-store: List a contents of the store path, on a remote store.
$ nix store --store ${https:--cache-nixos-org} ls ${-nix-store----}
try on your machine

The command you provided, nix store --store ${https:--cache-nixos-org} ls ${-nix-store----}, seems to be a combination of several different components. However, it appears to contain some syntax errors and placeholders that need further clarification.

Let's break it down into parts:

  1. nix store: This is the command used to interact with the Nix store, which is a directory where Nix package manager keeps its binaries and dependencies.

  2. --store ${https:--cache-nixos-org}: This part seems to be specifying a custom store location. However, the placeholder ${https:--cache-nixos-org} doesn't make sense in the context. The --store flag is used to specify an alternative location for the Nix store, such as a directory path.

  3. ls: The ls command is used to list the contents of the Nix store.

  4. ${-nix-store----}: This part seems to contain another placeholder, ${-nix-store----}, which is not clear in its purpose or meaning in this command.

To provide a more accurate explanation, please provide additional information about the intended purpose and the context of this command, as well as clarify the placeholders.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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