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nmap: Check if an IP address is up, and guess the remote host's operating system.
$ nmap -O ${ip_or_hostname}
try on your machine

The command "nmap -O ${ip_or_hostname}" is used to perform an Operating System (OS) detection scan using the tool called Nmap.

"Nmap" stands for Network Mapper, and it is a powerful open-source security scanner used to discover hosts and services on a network. It provides detailed information about the target system, including open ports, running services, and even the operating system.

The "-O" flag in the command instructs Nmap to perform OS detection. This means that Nmap will attempt to determine the operating system running on the target host by analyzing various network protocols and characteristics. It sends probe packets and compares the responses to a database of known operating system fingerprints to make an educated guess about the target's OS.

The "${ip_or_hostname}" part represents the target IP address or hostname. In this command, you need to provide the specific IP address or hostname of the system you want to scan for OS detection.

Overall, the command "nmap -O ${ip_or_hostname}" enables you to determine the operating system of a remote system by using Nmap's OS detection feature.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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