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nmcli-agent: Register nmcli as a polkit agent and listen for authorization requests.
$ nmcli agent polkit
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The command "nmcli agent polkit" is used to manage NetworkManager connections using the polkit authorization framework.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "nmcli" stands for NetworkManager Command Line Interface. It is a utility used in Linux-based operating systems to interact with NetworkManager, which is a network connection management daemon.

  • "agent" specifies that we want to configure the polkit agent for NetworkManager. A polkit agent acts as an interface between the user and the polkit authorization framework, enabling request and response handling for authorization processes.

  • "polkit" refers to the polkit authorization framework, which is used for controlling system-wide privileges and handling authorization for various actions in Linux-based systems.

In summary, by running "nmcli agent polkit", you can configure the polkit agent for NetworkManager, which allows you to manage network connections with proper authorization using the polkit framework.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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