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nmcli-connection: Create a static IPv6-only connection.
$ nmcli connection add ifname ${interface_name} type ${ethernet} ip6 ${2001:db8::2-64} gw6 ${2001:db8::1} ipv6.dns ${2001:db8::1} ipv4.method ${ignore}
try on your machine

This command is using the nmcli utility to add a new network connection.

Explanation of each part of the command:

  • nmcli connection add: This specifies the nmcli command to add a new connection.
  • ifname ${interface_name}: This specifies the interface name, which is a placeholder and should be replaced with the desired name of the network interface. For example, if the interface is "eth0", you would replace ${interface_name} with eth0.
  • type ${ethernet}: This specifies the type of connection, which is Ethernet in this case. The ${ethernet} is a placeholder and must be replaced with the actual type, e.g., ethernet.
  • ip6 ${2001:db8::2-64}: This sets the IPv6 address for the connection. ${2001:db8::2-64} is a placeholder and should be replaced with the desired IPv6 address range. In this example, it is set to 2001:db8::2-64.
  • gw6 ${2001:db8::1}: This sets the IPv6 gateway for the connection. ${2001:db8::1} is a placeholder and should be replaced with the desired IPv6 gateway address. In this example, it is set to 2001:db8::1.
  • ipv6.dns ${2001:db8::1}: This sets the DNS server for IPv6. ${2001:db8::1} is a placeholder and should be replaced with the desired IPv6 DNS server address. In this example, it is set to 2001:db8::1.
  • ipv4.method ${ignore}: This specifies the method for IPv4 configuration. In this case, it is set to ${ignore}, which means the IPv4 configuration will be ignored. ${ignore} is a placeholder and can be replaced with other values like auto, manual, or disabled, depending on the desired configuration.
This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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