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nmcli-connection: List all NetworkManager connections (shows name, UUID, type and device).
$ nmcli connection
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The "nmcli connection" command is used to manage network connections on Linux systems using NetworkManager, which is a software component responsible for managing network connections.

When you run the "nmcli connection" command, it displays a list of all the network connections configured on your system. This includes both wired and wireless connections.

Each connection has a unique name and can be managed using various options and subcommands of the "nmcli connection" command. Some common subcommands include:

  • "add": Allows you to add a new network connection.
  • "modify": Lets you modify the properties of an existing connection.
  • "delete": Deletes a network connection.
  • "show": Displays detailed information about a specific connection.
  • "up": Brings up a specific network connection if it is currently down.
  • "down": Disconnects a currently active network connection.

It's worth noting that this command usually requires administrative privileges (root access) to run certain operations, such as adding or deleting connections.

Overall, "nmcli connection" is a versatile command for managing network connections through the command-line interface in Linux systems. It provides a convenient way to configure, modify, and control network connections without the need for a graphical user interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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