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nmcli-device: Print the available Wi-Fi access points.
$ nmcli device wifi
try on your machine

The command "nmcli device wifi" is used to manage and display information related to WiFi devices on a Linux system using the Network Manager command-line interface (nmcli).

When executed, this command provides a list of WiFi devices available on the system. The information displayed typically includes the device name, connection status, SSID (network name), channel, signal strength, security settings, and other related details.

By using additional options and arguments with the nmcli device wifi command, you can also perform various actions such as connecting to a specific WiFi network, disconnecting from a network, scanning for available networks, configuring WiFi settings, and more. The specific functionalities would depend on the options used with the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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