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nmcli-general: Set the logging level and/or domains (see `man NetworkManager.conf` for all available domains).
$ nmcli general logging level ${select} domain ${domain_1,domain_2,---}
try on your machine

This command is used in the Network Manager Command-Line Interface (nmcli) to configure logging options.

The command starts with "nmcli general logging level" which sets the logging level. The logging level can be specified using the variable "${select}", which would be replaced with a specific logging level like "debug", "info", "warning", etc. This level determines the amount and detail of information that will be logged.

The next part of the command, "domain", sets the logging domain or categories of events to be logged. Here, "${domain_1,domain_2,---}" is a placeholder for one or more specific domains separated by commas. Domains represent different components or areas of the system and can be defined as per the requirement.

Overall, this command helps in configuring the logging level and domains to control the quantity and type of logs generated by Network Manager.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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