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nmcli-monitor: Start monitoring NetworkManager changes.
$ nmcli monitor
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The nmcli monitor command is used in the Network Manager command-line interface (nmcli) to monitor network activity and log events in real-time.

When the command is executed, it starts monitoring the Network Manager and provides a continuous stream of information about network-related events, such as connection status changes, interface state changes, device availability, and other network-related activities. This can include network connection establishment, disconnection, IP address assignments, and more.

The output of the nmcli monitor command shows a live feed of these events, enabling administrators or users to track network changes and troubleshoot any network-related issues efficiently. It can be especially useful when trying to diagnose and resolve connectivity problems or when interacting with network devices or services. To stop the monitoring, the command can be interrupted by pressing Ctrl+C.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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