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nmcli-networking: Show the networking status of NetworkManager.
$ nmcli networking
try on your machine

The command "nmcli networking" is used to manage the network connectivity settings on a Linux system using the Network Manager command-line interface (nmcli).

When you run this command with the appropriate system privileges (typically as the root user or using the sudo command), it displays the current networking status of the system. This includes the overall connectivity state (whether networking is enabled or disabled), as well as specific indicators for various network devices and connections.

The output of the command can be one of the following:

  • "enabled": It means that networking is currently enabled on the system, allowing network connections.
  • "disabled": It means that networking is currently disabled on the system, preventing network connections.

By using this command, you can quickly check the networking status of the system or incorporate it within scripts or automation tasks to perform actions based on the current network connectivity state. Additionally, the nmcli tool provides several other commands that allow you to manipulate network connections, devices, and settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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