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nmcli: Run an `nmcli` subcommand.
$ nmcli ${select} ${command_options}
try on your machine

The nmcli command is a command-line tool used for managing Network Manager settings and connections in Linux-based systems.

The ${select} and ${command_options} are placeholders for the actual values that you can provide to customize the command.

The ${select} represents the selection of an object or target to apply the command on. It can be a network device, connection, or other objects. For example, you could specify a specific network device like eth0 or a connection name like my_wifi.

The ${command_options} represent additional options and parameters that define the specific action you want to perform on the selected object. These options vary depending on the command you are using. For instance, if you are using the nmcli command to configure a network connection, the options could include settings like IP address, DNS server, gateway, etc.

By replacing the placeholders with actual values, you can execute the nmcli command with the desired object selection and command options to manage network settings and connections in your Linux system.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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