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nodemon: Pass arguments to the node application.
$ nodemon ${filename-js} ${arguments}
try on your machine

The command you mentioned, nodemon ${filename.js} ${arguments}, pertains to the usage of the nodemon tool with certain variables.

  1. nodemon: Nodemon is a tool used for automatically restarting a Node.js application when file changes occur. It monitors the files in a directory and restarts the application whenever any changes are detected.

  2. ${filename.js}: This is a placeholder for the name of your JavaScript file. You should replace ${filename.js} with the actual name of your file, including the .js extension. For example, if your file is named app.js, you would replace ${filename.js} with app.js.

  3. ${arguments}: This is another placeholder for potential command-line arguments that can be passed to your Node.js application. You can replace ${arguments} with the specific arguments your application requires. For example, if your application expects a port number as an argument, you could use nodemon app.js 8080, where 8080 is the port number.

Overall, the command nodemon ${filename.js} ${arguments} is used to start a Node.js application using the nodemon command-line tool, monitoring for changes in the files and automatically restarting the application when necessary. The ${filename.js} should be substituted with the actual name of your JavaScript file, and ${arguments} can be replaced with any additional arguments your application might need.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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