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nodemon: Run an arbitrary non-node script.
$ nodemon --exec "${command_to_run_script} ${options}" ${path-to-script}
try on your machine

This command is using the nodemon tool to automatically monitor changes in a script file and restart it whenever changes are detected. The meaning of each part of the command is as follows:

  • nodemon is the name of the tool being executed.
  • --exec is an option used to specify the command to execute when a change is detected.
  • ${command_to_run_script} ${options} is a placeholder for the actual command and options you want to execute. This part should be replaced with the specific command you want to run, followed by any options you want to pass to it.
  • ${path-to-script} is another placeholder representing the path to the script file you want to monitor for changes. This should be replaced with the actual path to your script file.

By running this command with specific values for ${command_to_run_script}, ${options}, and ${path-to-script}, nodemon will automatically start executing the script specified by ${command_to_run_script} with the given ${options} whenever changes are made to the script file located at ${path-to-script}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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