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nohup: Launch `nohup` in background mode.
$ nohup ${command} ${argument1 argument2 ---} &
try on your machine

The command:

nohup ${command} ${argument1 argument2 ---} &

  • nohup is a command in Unix-like operating systems that allows a process to ignore the SIGHUP (hangup) signal, typically sent by the system upon termination of a session/connection.
  • ${command} is a placeholder for an actual command that you want to execute.
  • ${argument1 argument2 ---} represents additional arguments that you want to pass to the command.
  • & is a shell operator that sends the preceding command to the background, allowing the shell to continue executing other commands without waiting for that command to finish.

When you execute the given command, it runs the specified ${command} with the provided arguments ${argument1 argument2 ---} in the background, meaning it will not be tied to the terminal session and will continue running even if the session is closed or terminated. The nohup command ensures that the process continues running even if the session receiving the command is disconnected.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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