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nohup: Run a process that can live beyond the terminal.
$ nohup ${command} ${argument1 argument2 ---}
try on your machine

The "nohup" command ensures that a given command continues running even after the user logs out or terminates the session. It stands for "no hang up."

In the syntax you provided, "${command}" is a placeholder for the actual command that needs to be executed. It could be any valid command or script.

"${argument1 argument2 ---}" represents the arguments that are passed to the command. In a command, arguments are the additional inputs or options that modify the behavior of the command. The "---" signifies that you can include any number of arguments in this placeholder.

So, when you run the command, it executes the specified command (${command}) with the given arguments (${argument1}, ${argument2}, and so on). The "nohup" prefix ensures that the command runs in the background even if you log out or close the current terminal session.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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