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nokogiri: Parse the contents of a URL or file.
$ nokogiri ${select}
try on your machine

The command nokogiri ${select} is likely using the Nokogiri library in a programming/scripting language such as Ruby or Python.

Nokogiri is a popular library used for working with XML and HTML documents. It provides methods and functionality to parse and manipulate XML and HTML data.

${select} is likely a placeholder or variable that needs to be replaced with an actual CSS or XPath selector. A selector is used to identify specific elements or nodes within an XML or HTML document. It allows you to select specific parts of the document based on their tag names, attributes, or other criteria.

By using the nokogiri ${select} command, you are instructing the Nokogiri library to parse an XML or HTML document and perform actions based on the elements matched by the provided selector. The specific actions or operations that are performed depend on the context and purpose of the code using the Nokogiri library.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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