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nomad: Show the status of jobs currently running on the cluster.
$ nomad job status
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The nomad job status command is used to display the status of a job managed by the Nomad job scheduler. Nomad is a distributed, scalable, and highly available system designed for managing containerized and non-containerized applications across a cluster of machines. When you run nomad job status, Nomad displays information about the status of all jobs or a specific job, including their allocation status, task groups, allocations, and their respective states. It provides details such as the ID, name, type, priority, and the desired, running, completed, and failed allocations. Here is an example output of the nomad job status command: ID = example-job Name = example Type = service Priority = 50 Datacenters = dc1 Status = running Periodic = false Parameterized = false Summary

ID = example-job Name = example Submit Date = 2022-01-20T12:34:56Z Submit Time = 5m30s ago DCC = 1 Size = 1 Create Time = 50s ago Modify Index = 100 Create Index = 500 Allocations

ID Node ID Task Group Version Desired Status Created Modified 123456 abcdef example 0 run running 15s ago 5s ago In this example, there is a job named "example-job" with a single allocation running on a node with ID "abcdef". The task group is named "example", and it has the desired state of "run" and the current status of "running". The job was submitted 5 minutes and 30 seconds ago, and the allocation was created 50 seconds ago. By using the nomad job status command, you can get an overview of the current state and status of your jobs deployed via Nomad, helping you effectively manage and monitor your applications.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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