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noti: Display a notification when tar finishes compressing files.
$ noti ${tar -cjf example-tar-bz2 example-}
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The command "noti ${tar -cjf example-tar-bz2 example-}" seems to be a combination of two commands, "noti" and "tar".

  1. "noti" is likely the name of a custom command or function. Without further context, it's difficult to determine its exact purpose. It might be an alias or a script designed to send notifications, display messages, or perform other actions based on certain events or inputs.

  2. "${tar -cjf example-tar-bz2 example-}" involves the use of the "tar" command. This command is commonly used to create or extract files from a tarball, which is a compressed archive file. Below is a breakdown of the flags/arguments in this particular tar command:

  • "-c": Create a new archive
  • "-j": Compress the archive using bzip2 compression
  • "-f example-tar-bz2": Specify the output file name as "example-tar-bz2"
  • "example-": This flag suggests that the command is appending the filename "example-" to the archive being created. The purpose could be to include all files in the current working directory starting with "example-".

However, it is important to note that without knowing the specific context or purpose of the "noti" command, the explanation provided above might not fully explain how these commands are being used together.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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