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nproc: Display the number of available processing units.
$ nproc
try on your machine

The command "nproc" is used to display the number of processing units (or CPU cores) available in a system. It provides the number of available processor units, which can help determine the capabilities of a system in terms of parallel processing or multi-threading.

When you run the "nproc" command in a terminal or command prompt, it will output a numeric value representing the number of CPU cores in your system.

For example, if you have a quad-core processor, running the "nproc" command will display the value "4". If you have a dual-core processor, the value will be "2".

The "nproc" command is often used in shell scripts or system administration tasks to dynamically adjust the behavior of programs based on the system's hardware capabilities. It can also be useful for monitoring or troubleshooting purposes, as it provides a quick way to check the number of available processing units.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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