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npx: Run a command if it exists in the current path or in `node_modules/.bin`.
$ npx --no-install ${command} ${command_arguments}
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The given command involves the usage of the "npx" tool to execute a specific command without installing it as a global package.

  • "npx" is a package runner tool that comes with npm (Node Package Manager) starting from npm version 5.2.0. It allows you to run packages and executables without the need for manual installation.

Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "npx": This is the command to run the "npx" tool.
  • "--no-install": It is an option used with "npx" to instruct it not to install the package globally before executing it. This can be beneficial if you only need a temporary or one-time use of the package.
  • "${command}": This is the placeholder for the name of the command to be executed. It should be replaced with the actual command or package name.
  • "${command_arguments}": This is the placeholder for any arguments or options required by the command. It should be replaced with the actual arguments needed by the specified command.

By running this command with the desired command and its arguments, "npx" will locate the package in the npm registry or the local "node_modules" directory (if already installed) and execute it without the need for explicit installation.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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