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npx: Execute a specific command suppressing any output from `npx` itself.
$ npx --quiet ${command} ${arg1 arg2 ---}
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The command npx --quiet ${command} ${arg1 arg2 ---} is used to execute a command specified by ${command} using npx (Node Package Runner), a package runner tool for executing Node.js packages. Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • npx: It is a command-line tool that executes Node packages. It is bundled with npm (Node Package Manager) and comes pre-installed with it. The npx command is used to execute a specific package or command located within the local or global npm registry.

  • --quiet: This is an optional flag that can be used to suppress any unnecessary output or logs generated during the command execution. It ensures a quiet or silent execution and avoids cluttering the console or command-line interface.

  • ${command}: This is a placeholder for the actual command that you want to execute. You should replace ${command} with the name of the desired command you wish to run. For example, if you want to run the command my-command, replace ${command} with my-command.

  • ${arg1 arg2 ---}: These are placeholders for any additional arguments that you want to pass to the command specified by ${command}. Replace ${arg1 arg2 ---} with the actual arguments you want to provide. Multiple arguments can be separated by spaces. The --- is used as a separator to indicate the end of options and the beginning of arguments.

In summary, the given command utilizes npx to execute a specific command (${command}) quietly (without unnecessary output) while passing any additional arguments (${arg1 arg2 ---}) to that command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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