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ntpdate: Use an unprivileged port in case a firewall is blocking privileged ports.
$ sudo ntpdate -u ${host}
try on your machine

The command "sudo ntpdate -u ${host}" is used to update the date and time on the local system using the Network Time Protocol (NTP).

Here's a breakdown of each component in the command:

  • "sudo": It is a command that allows the user to run programs or commands with administrative privileges. The "sudo" command provides a security layer by requiring the user to authenticate themselves before executing the command.

  • "ntpdate": It is a command-line utility used to synchronize the local system's time with a remote NTP server. It retrieves the current date and time from the NTP server and adjusts the system time accordingly.

  • "-u": It is an option used with the "ntpdate" command, which instructs it to operate in "unprivileged" mode. This mode allows the command to run without requiring root privileges.

  • "${host}": It is a placeholder representing the hostname or IP address of the remote NTP server you want to synchronize with. You need to replace "${host}" with the actual server address or hostname.

When the command is executed, it contacts the specified NTP server and retrieves the current date and time information. It then adjusts the local system's time to match the retrieved time from the server. The "sudo" command is necessary to grant the required privileges for updating the system's time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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