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nvidia-smi: Display information on all available GPUs and processes using them.
$ nvidia-smi
try on your machine

The command "nvidia-smi" stands for "NVIDIA System Management Interface." It is a command-line utility provided by NVIDIA for monitoring and managing NVIDIA GPU devices on a system. When executed, this command displays information about the GPUs installed on the system, including their utilization, temperature, fan speed, power usage, and memory usage.

The output from the "nvidia-smi" command includes various columns such as GPU index, name, utilization percentages, memory usage, GPU temperature, power draw, and more. This information is beneficial for tasks like monitoring GPU performance, identifying bottlenecks, troubleshooting, or determining the resource requirements of applications that rely on NVIDIA GPUs.

In addition to displaying real-time information, "nvidia-smi" can also be used to set GPU configurations, control power management, or terminate specific GPU processes. Overall, it is a versatile command-line tool for managing and monitoring NVIDIA GPU devices.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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