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Add Nx to an Existing Project
$ npx add-nx-to-monorepo
try on your machine

The npx add-nx-to-monorepo command is used to add the Nx tool to an existing monorepo.

A monorepo, short for monolithic repository, is a codebase that contains multiple projects or packages within it. Nx is a tool that provides a set of dev tools and capabilities for monorepos, such as code generation, dependency management, and build optimization.

When you run the npx add-nx-to-monorepo command, it installs and initializes the necessary files and dependencies required by Nx within your monorepo. This includes adding the node_modules directory for the packages and different configuration files to manage the build and development process for your projects.

By adding Nx to your existing monorepo, you can take advantage of its features to enhance productivity, code organization, and scalability.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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