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View the project graph
$ npx nx graph
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The npx nx graph command is used in the Nx Monorepo to visualize the dependency graph of the projects within the monorepo.

Nx is a powerful set of extensible dev tools for monorepos. It allows you to develop multiple applications and libraries within a single codebase, enabling code sharing and reducing duplication. The npx nx command is used to execute various tasks provided by Nx.

When you run npx nx graph, it generates and displays a visual representation of the dependency graph. This graph shows the relationships between the various projects in the monorepo, including both the applications and libraries.

The dependency graph helps you understand the dependencies between projects, identify potential circular dependencies, and make informed decisions about building, testing, and deploying specific projects or their dependencies. It provides a visual overview of the relationships within your codebase, allowing you to analyze and optimize the architecture of your monorepo.

Overall, npx nx graph is a helpful command for visualizing and understanding the project dependencies within an Nx Monorepo.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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