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Create a new Nx workspace
$ npx create-nx-workspace@latest ${name}
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The command npx create-nx-workspace@latest ${name} is used to create a new workspace using the create-nx-workspace package with the latest version available. Here is how it works:

  1. npx is a command-line tool that comes with npm (Node Package Manager). It allows you to run packages installed in your project's node_modules directory without globally installing them.

  2. create-nx-workspace is a package specifically designed for creating workspaces in an Nx monorepo. Nx is a toolset that helps you develop, test, and build multiple applications and libraries within a single repository. It provides advanced development features, such as code sharing, task running, and dependency management.

  3. @latest is an npm package version specifier, which indicates that you want to use the latest version available. By appending @latest to the package name, you ensure that the most recent version of create-nx-workspace is used to create the workspace.

  4. ${name} is a placeholder variable that represents the name you want to give to your workspace. You need to replace ${name} with the actual name you want to use, without the curly braces.

By running this command with the desired workspace name, a new Nx workspace will be created in the current directory, using the latest version of the create-nx-workspace package. The workspace will contain a configuration file, package.json, and other necessary files and folders to start developing multiple projects within the same repository.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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