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obabel: Render multiple inputs into one picture.
$ obabel ${filename1} ${filename2} -O ${path-to-output_file-png}
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This command uses the "obabel" tool to convert a chemical file format from ${filename1} to ${filename2}, and save the output as a PNG file at ${path-to-output_file-png}.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "obabel" is the name of the command or tool that will perform the file conversion and generation of the PNG file.

  • ${filename1} and ${filename2} are variables representing the input and output chemical file names, respectively. You need to replace them with the actual filenames you want to use. These filenames could include file extensions like .pdb, .sdf, .mol2, etc., depending on the supported formats of the "obabel" tool.

  • "-O" is an option used with "obabel" to specify the output file format. In this case, the output format is PNG (Portable Network Graphics), a common image format.

  • ${path-to-output_file-png} is a variable representing the desired path and filename for the PNG output file. You need to replace it with the actual path to the desired location and the name you want to give to the output file. Make sure to include the .png file extension.

When you run this command by substituting the variables with appropriate values, it will convert the chemical data from ${filename1} to ${filename2} format and save it as a PNG image file at the specified ${path-to-output_file-png}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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