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ocaml: Run OCaml script with modules.
$ ocaml ${module1} ${module2} ${filename-ml}
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The command you provided is using the programming language OCaml and it takes in three arguments: ${module1}, ${module2}, and ${filename-ml}.

${module1} and ${module2} are placeholders for OCaml module names. In OCaml, modules are units of code that contain values, functions, and types. These modules can be used to organize and encapsulate related functionality.

${filename-ml} is a placeholder for the name of an OCaml source code file. In OCaml, source code files typically have the .ml extension. These files contain the OCaml code that is compiled and executed.

Putting it all together, the ocaml command is likely used to compile and run an OCaml program that depends on two specific modules, ${module1} and ${module2}, and the code for the program itself is contained in the ${filename-ml} file. The resulting executable will execute the OCaml code in ${filename-ml} and utilize the functionality provided by the specified modules.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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