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ocrmypdf: Clean, de-skew, and rotate pages of a poor scan.
$ ocrmypdf --clean --deskew --rotate-pages ${path-to-input_file} ${path-to-output-pdf}
try on your machine

This command is using the ocrmypdf tool to process a PDF file.

ocrmypdf is a command-line tool used to perform OCR (Optical Character Recognition) on PDF files, which converts scanned or image-based PDFs into searchable and selectable text. It utilizes various image processing techniques to enhance the OCR accuracy.

The command specifically includes several options:

  1. --clean: This option tells ocrmypdf to remove any existing text layer in the PDF file before performing OCR. It ensures that OCR is applied from scratch and any previous OCR results are discarded.

  2. --deskew: This option attempts to correct any skew in the scanned pages. If the pages are slightly askew, it straightens them so that the text appears horizontally aligned.

  3. --rotate-pages: This option allows automatically rotating the pages to determine their proper orientation. It analyzes the content on each page and rotates them accordingly, if necessary, to ensure they are readable and aligned properly.

${path-to-input_file}: This placeholder should be replaced with the actual path or filename of the input PDF file you want to process.

${path-to-output-pdf}: This placeholder should be replaced with the desired path or filename of the output PDF file that will be generated after processing.

Overall, this command will take an input PDF file, clean any existing text layer, deskew the pages, and rotate them as needed using ocrmypdf, producing an output PDF file with searchable and improved OCR text.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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