The command "octave ${path-to-script-m}" is used to execute an Octave script file in the command line or terminal.
Here's a breakdown of the command:
"octave": This is the Octave interpreter command. It launches the Octave programming environment, which is commonly used for numerical computations and programming.
"${path-to-script-m}": This is a variable representing the path to the Octave script file. You need to replace "${path-to-script-m}" with the actual file path of the ".m" script you want to execute. For example, if your script file is named "my_script.m" and located in the current working directory, you would replace "${path-to-script-m}" with "my_script".
When you execute the command, the Octave interpreter will launch and read and execute the commands in the specified script file. The output will be displayed in the command line or terminal window, depending on your operating system.