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octave: Start an interactive session.
$ octave
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Octave is a high-level programming language primarily used for numerical computations and analysis. It is similar to MATLAB, as it provides a convenient interface for solving mathematical problems, designing algorithms, and plotting graphs. When referring to "octave" as a command, it typically means invoking the Octave application or interpreter from the command line or terminal. This allows you to start a session where you can interactively execute Octave code. By typing "octave" in the terminal, the Octave interpreter is launched, and you can then enter Octave commands and evaluate expressions directly. This provides a powerful environment to perform mathematical computations and run scripts written in the Octave programming language. For example, you can calculate mathematical expressions: octave:1> 2 + 3 ans = 5 Or define variables and perform operations: octave:2> x = 5 x = 5 octave:3> y = 2 * x y = 10 You can also write and execute scripts by saving a series of Octave commands in a plain text file (typically with a .m extension) and running it using the "octave" command. For instance, if you have a script named "my_script.m", you can run it with: ``` octave my_script.m

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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