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octave: Start an interactive session with a GUI.
$ octave --gui
try on your machine

The command "octave --gui" is used to launch the Octave software in graphical user interface (GUI) mode.

Octave is a high-level programming language and environment that is primarily used for numerical computations and data analysis. It is similar to MATLAB and is often used as an open-source alternative.

By running "octave --gui" in the command line or terminal, Octave opens in GUI mode, which means that it launches a graphical interface that provides a more interactive and user-friendly way to work with the Octave environment. This GUI mode provides features such as a command window, a text editor for writing and executing scripts, variable viewers, plot windows, and other tools that help in the development, debugging, and visualization of Octave code.

Using the GUI mode, users can type commands in the command window, write and execute scripts using the text editor, visualize data and plots, access help documentation, manage variables and files, and perform various other tasks within the Octave environment. It offers a more intuitive and visual way to interact with Octave, especially for those who prefer a graphical interface over command line operations.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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