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octo: Deploy a release.
$ octo deploy-release --project=${project_name} --packageversion=${version} --deployto=${environment_name} --tenant=${deployment_target}
try on your machine

The command "octo deploy-release" is used to deploy a release in Octopus Deploy, which is a platform for automated deployment and release management. Let's break down the command and its parameters:

  • "octo" is the Octopus Deploy command-line interface (CLI) tool.
  • "deploy-release" is the specific command in Octo CLI for deploying a release.


  • "--project=${project_name}" specifies the project name (replace ${project_name} with the actual project name). This parameter indicates the project to which the release belongs.
  • "--packageversion=${version}" specifies the version of the package to deploy (replace ${version} with the actual package version). This parameter tells Octopus Deploy which specific version of the package to deploy as part of the release.
  • "--deployto=${environment_name}" specifies the environment name where the release will be deployed (replace ${environment_name} with the actual environment name). This parameter determines the target environment where the release will be deployed, such as development, staging, or production.
  • "--tenant=${deployment_target}" specifies the deployment target or tenant (replace ${deployment_target} with the actual deployment target). This parameter is optional and only needed if you are using multi-tenant deployments. It allows for deploying different releases of the same project to different tenants.

By running this command with the appropriate values for the parameters, you can initiate the deployment of a release in Octopus Deploy to a specific environment and deployment target.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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