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odps-inst: Show instances created by current user.
$ show instances;
try on your machine

The command "show instances;" is used in some programming languages and frameworks to display a list of instances (objects) that have been created from a specific class or template.

When this command is executed, it fetches all the instances that have been instantiated from the class or template and outputs the details of these instances. The information usually includes the object's attributes, methods, and their current values.

The purpose of using this command is to retrieve a comprehensive overview of the objects that have been created, as well as their properties and behaviors. This can be helpful for debugging, testing, or monitoring the state of the program. It allows developers to inspect the instances and gain insights into the current state of their program's execution.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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