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odps-resource: Show resources in the current project.
$ list resources;
try on your machine

The command "list resources" is used to retrieve a list of resources available in a certain system, environment, or software application. It allows users to view and access information regarding various resources that are present in the specified context.

The specific details and format of the resource list will depend on the system or application being referred to. In general, the command will provide information such as resource names, identifiers, types, attributes, or other relevant data associated with each resource.

It is commonly used in contexts where there is a need to identify or manage resources within a system. For example, in a cloud computing platform, "list resources" may display a list of virtual machines, storage volumes, network configurations, and other resources available to a user. Similarly, in a programming environment, executing "list resources" might display a list of available libraries, functions, variables, or other components that can be utilized in a program.

Overall, the command provides a quick way to get an overview of the available resources within a particular system or software environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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